His Only Wife, Peace Adzo Medie

Our recommended book for October is the debut novel by Peace Adzo Medie, His Only Wife. Through this unconventional love story, Medie gracefully explores the importance of self-compassion and independence.

Peace Adzo Medie’s debut novel His Only Wife is a warm and moving tale that follows Afi Tekple, a strong-willed young girl with a kind soul, who is offered a life-changing opportunity in the form of a marriage proposal from the wealthy family of Eli Ganyo.

For a young seamstress living in a small town in Ghana with her widowed mother, this proposal offers Afi financial security and a ticket to a glamorous life in Accra. However, when Eli doesn’t turn up to their wedding, but the ceremony goes ahead regardless, it’s clear that this marriage will not unfold quite as Afi had expected.

His Only Wife is utterly transporting – Medie’s use of Ghanaian dialect, rich descriptions of traditional foods and an insight into cultural practices make readers feel like they are completely immersed in Afi world. Despite being an intimate portrayal of a love story between two complex characters, Medie’s nuanced characterisation also manages to cast a light on the prevailing class and gender dynamics in Ghana and the overriding sense that who you are and where you come from determines how you should behave and what roles you should play throughout your life.

Ultimately, though, His Other Wife is the tale of a modern woman’s search for independence and self-compassion. Afi’s strength is inspiring, and I guarantee that all readers will feel inspired to consider who we truly are and what we value when we stop worrying about the judgement of others.  

Review featured in Escapism Issue


A Conversation with the Editor: Madeleine Knowles


Gender and Politics: A Conversation with Peace Adzo Medie