Editorial Library
Our online editorial library is open all-hours for all curious readers. Featuring exclusive author interviews, long-form conversations and articles, as well as a wide selection of book reviews written by our trusted editorial team, your book wish list will grow exponentially as you browse…
And Then He Sang a Lullaby, Ani Kayode Somtochukwu
Ani Kayode Somtochukwu reads from And Then He Sang a Lullaby on Damian Barr’s Literary Salon Podcast
There’s Been a Little Incident, Alice Ryan
Alice Ryan reads from There’s Been a Little Incident on Damian Barr’s Literary Salon Podcast
Exploring the Emmy Lake Chronicles: A Conversation with AJ Pearce
In conversation with AJ Pearce, the author of the Emmy Lake Chronicles.
Boyslut, Zachary Zane
Zachary Zane reads from Boyslut on Damian Barr’s Literary Salon Podcast
Taking Note #4: what do we expect from celebrity authors?
Taking Note #4: what do we expect from celebrity authors?
Broken Light, Joanne Harris
Joanne Harris reads from Broken Light on Damian Barr’s Literary Salon Podcast
Eyes, Guts, Throat, Bones, Moïra Fowley
Moïra Fowley reads from Eyes, Guts, Throat, Bones on Damian Barr’s Literary Salon Podcast
‘Lost in Translation’: A Conversation with Philip Gabriel
In conversation with Philip Gabriel, translator of Honeybees and Distant Thunder
Nothing Left to Fear from Hell, Alan Warner
Alan Warner reads from Nothing Left to Fear from Hell on Damian Barr’s Literary Salon Podcast
The Women’s Prize and Medium: A Conversation with Rachel Joyce
Conversation between Madeleine Knowles and Rachel Joyce
Arthur and Teddy are Coming Out, Ryan Love
Ryan Love reads from Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out on Damian Barr’s Literary Salon Podcast