Generational Literature with ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ Podcast

Down the Rabbit Hole is a monthly radio show all about children’s books, hosted by Caroline Carpenter, Hannah Love, Charlie Morris and Sam Sedgman. Our monthly episodes feature special guests from the world of children’s publishing, who join us for wide-ranging chats about our new discoveries and perennial favourites, from picture books to young adult novels and everything in between.

Passing Books through the Generations

Kids love to read because it's fun – because stories are full of awe and delight at the world and at the enormous reach of our imaginations. Reading makes us feel alive. We get jaded about this as we grow up and try and hide the fun from ourselves to make reading seem important, but we shouldn't. Reading is an incredibly joyful activity, and that's precisely why it's important. It kindles a young reader's mind and opens them up to the wonders of the world around them.

When we tell people we work in children’s books, we often get two contradictory responses in quick succession – a moment of snobbery that we spend our time immersed in a children’s world rather than working on something ‘serious’ or ‘literary’, followed almost immediately by the need to tell us about the book that defined their childhood. Passing on a story we loved as a child is a phenomenally powerful way to reignite that passion for storytelling we felt as young readers. We remember how we felt about books when the world was new to us, and we saw and felt everything in such rich colours.

That’s why we love doing Down the Rabbit Hole – it’s a mix of books that define us, and new and exciting books we hope can do the same for generations that follow.

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Pachinko, Min Jin Lee


A Family-run Bookshop – Storytellers, Inc.